About Us
Our Hours:
Our Location:
*Daily from 11:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m
weather permitting.
*Adult only hours every Saturday and Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
*Starting Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and open until until Labor Day
If the air temperature is 70 degrees or lower, the pool will close. Please check the Calendar for other events that may close the pool.
Our History
3519 Seajay Drive
Beavercreek, OH 45430
The idea for Woodhaven Swim Club was conceived in 1957 by Larry Prine, Jim Parks, Henry Brining and Glen Noffsinger. These four men were soon joined by many friends and neighbors who were excited about the idea of a neighborhood pool. The first meeting was held in the Beavercreek Grade School Auditorium on May 26, 1958 and resulted in the organization of what was then known as Woodhaven Sun and Fun Club, a subsidiary of Chapel Development Corporation.
Woodhaven Swim Club, Inc. joined the Southern Ohio Swim League (SSA) in 2018. Previously, we belonged to the Greater Dayton Swimming Association (GDSA). We had championship teams in 1962, 1963, and 1964; placed second in swimming competition in 1961, 1977, 1978, and 1979. In 1979 our diving team placed first in the league. In 1980, 1981, 1982, and 1983 we were swimming and diving champions. In 1984 we placed first in diving and second in swimming. In 1985, Woodhaven again won the swimming and diving championship.
In 1986 Woodhaven was the overall league champion while placing first in diving and second in swimming.
Woodhaven divers won the diving championship in 1987 and the swimmers placed second in the GDSA Finals.
In 1988, Woodhaven swimmers and divers won the GDSA Championship. In 1990, Woodhaven divers placed first, swimmers placed third, for a 2nd place finish overall.
In 1991 and 1992, Woodhaven placed first in the GDSA Championship.
After 1992, there was no diving team.
In 1993, 1994, 2016 and 2017, Woodhaven placed 2nd. In 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2015 Woodhaven placed 1st.
The physical plant was constructed on a 5 1/2 acre site of land and provides 4,700 square feet of swimming area, enough to accommodate 350 families. The pool was one of the first to use the now common Z shape. In the years since the initial construction many improvements have been made.
Major Improvements
2022 -Replaced the pool pump and motor assembly, sealed concrete decking
2021 - Replaced concrete decking around pool and painted the pool
2018 - Tennis court resurfacing.
2016 - Replaced basket strainer and bladder tank in pump house, painted tennis and pool lights, landscaped front of bathhouse.
2015 - Six new starting blocks.
2014 - New pump house and heaters.
2013 - Installed air conditioning unit in the concession stand.
2011 - Pool wall cracks repaired/painted and tennis fence painted.
2010 - Tennis court surface repaired and water pump motor refurbished.
2009 - New safety drain covers installed in both pools, swim blocks refurbished, and free wi-fi installed.
2008 - Repainted pool, purchased new water heater, picnic tables, lifeguard chairs, speakers, and umbrellas.
2007 - Newly remodeled concession stand and additional food service equipment, new sound equipment.
2006 - New pool heaters, electrical updates to the pumphouse and concession stand, purchased lounge chairs, umbrellas and concrete tables.
2005 - Resealed parking lot, purchased pool cleaner, lounge chairs and umbrellas.
2004 - Completed baby pool and concession stand renovation.
2003 - Refurbished sand filter, painted main and baby pool, erected new sign, replaced roof on pump house.
2002 - New Shelter roof and purchased picnic tables.
2000 - Completed Clubhouse Renovation, purchased picnic tables, umbrellas, lounge chairs, concrete tables, lawn maintenance equipment.
1998 - Purchased new pool heater and lawn tractor.
1997 - Sealed parking lot, replaced the well cap/pump, purchased picnic tables, lounge chairs, and umbrellas.
1996 - Purchased starting blocks for swim team, new fence around baby pool, upgraded outdoor lights, new concrete deck and stainless steel gutters.
1995 - Due to the pending major construction during the Fall of 1995 and Spring 1996, any major pool improvements were put on hold.
1994 - New carpeting in baby pool area, rewired shelter house, trimmed trees on inside of pool, purchase of laminator, robot pool cleaner and blower.
1993 - Repainted pool, purchased computer and printer, cash register and new microphone system.
1992 - Remodeled ladies bathroom, exterior and interior painting, new baby pool filter, new chlorinator and PH feeds for the main pool, new refrigerator, two new microwaves, tennis ball machine, new wooden benches, new wooden picnic tables, metal bench by tennis courts, and a new sand volleyball court.
1991 - New circulation pump, filter, and jets. Pool painted. Chlorinator for the baby pool. Parking lot sealed. Tennis courts 3 & 4 resurfaced.
1990 - Major concession stand improvements, new awning, new benches, landscaping, new umbrellas.
1989 - Safety program initiated, resurfaced tennis courts 1 & 2, painted inside of bathhouse, new drinking fountain at tennis courts, new starting blocks.
1988 - New pool lights installed, additional tennis lights added to courts 1 & 2, new pump house roof, and a new pool vacuum purchased.
1987 - All new fixtures in the bathhouse, expanded ladies shower spaces, central security system installed, painted the pool.
1986 - Complete pool drain replacement and bathhouse remodeling and added baby pool carpet.
1985 - Complete circulation/filter system added to baby pool, upgrading of electrical service, and pool deck repaired.
1984 - Installation of tennis court lights, repair of pool heater.
1981 - Conversion of heating system from propane to natural gas, and major concrete work on pool.
1980 - New filter and heating system installed.
1978 - Addition of 600 amp electrical service.
1977 - Extensive landscaping program initiated.
1976 - Addition of two more tennis courts and small children's play area.
1975 - Built Storage Building, and major improvements to bathhouse flooring.
1974 - Addition of two tennis courts.
1969 - Parking lot black topped, complete rewiring, major re-plumbing, extensive concrete work on building and pool area.
1967 - Pool heater installed.
1965 - Landscaping: shrubs, trees, and flagpole.
1964 - Parking lot surfaced.
1961 - South deck area added.
1959 - Woodhaven was incorporated on July 1, 1959
Past Presidents
2020-Now..........................................................Molly McKenna
2019........................................................................Tanya Nagle
2011-2018......................................................Steve Breitenstein
2008-2010..............................................................Tanya Nagle
2007................................................................Michael Cardwell
2002-2006...........................................................Doreen Haines
1999-2001.......................................................Connie McMillan
1997-1998......................................................Michael Cardwell
1996.......................................................................Russ Jenkins
1995..........................................................Suzanne MacEachern
1994.....................................................................Tom Osterday
1992-1993...............................................................Dan Howell
1991....................................................................Beccy Stewart
1990................................................................Connie McMillan
1988-1989...............................................................John Austin
1987...........................................................................Ed Martin
1985-1986..................................................George Schumacher
1983-1984..............................................................Jim Sliemers
1982...................................................................Larry Bushman
1980-1981..........................................................Tom Sammons
1978-1979..............................................................Dave Tobias
1977.........................................................................Don Mauro
1975-1976................................................................Jim Parrish
1973-1974........................................................Don Fahnestock
1972.......................................................................Bob Wilhelm
1971.........................................................................Kip Herren
1970..........................................................................John Burns
1969.....................................................................Walter Knight
1968.......................................................................Bill Hamilton
1967...................................................................Robert Zubeck
1966..................................................................Morely Roberts
1965.........................................................................Ed Lehman
1964...............................................................Walter Nelson, Jr.
1963................................................................John K. Webster
1962......................................................................Kurtis K. Olt
1961.................................................................Cyrus W. Hardy
1960...................................................................Ray E. Shroyer
1959..................................................................Glen Noffsinger