Membership cards MUST be presented and scanned in the office for admission to the club.
1. The pool will be open to members and their families at least eight (8) hours each day at times established by the Board of Trustees, except for purposes specified in paragraphs 3 & 4 below.
2. An area of the pool may be reserved by the Club Manager for groups or individual instruction. The period of instruction shall not exceed one (1) hour. Formal instruction under this provision will not be given on Sundays or Holidays.
3. If the program and Activities Committee designates special events, such events shall not exceed three (3) days per month. On days of special events, the pool will be closed early to allow the management ample time to prepare for the event.
4. The pool may be closed for maintenance operations, health conditions, weather, or any reason deemed sufficient by the Club Managers, consistent with the welfare and safety of members.
1. The club will be staffed daily from 11:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. weather permitting.
2. Please observe the rules posted on signs throughout the club area.
3. The pool may remain open later than 9:00 p.m., at the Manager's discretion, except on