A daily guest fee of $5.00 will be charged for all guests regardless of age, for all privileges at the club. No guest other than a houseguest or babysitter will be admitted to the club more than once a week. Guest fees also include tennis and pickleball players, who are limited to once-a-week privileges.
1. A special privilege is available in the event a member has a houseguest, regardless of age, for an extended period of time (one week or longer). The guest may be admitted to the Club by payment of the daily guest rate.
A special assessment, to be paid by the sponsoring member of either $15.00 per week or $75.00 for the season is also available.
2. Pool member families who require a babysitter will make application in writing to the Board of Trustees. A non swimming babysitter will have no fee and a swimming babysitter will pay the regular daily guest fee and can come more than once a week. A special assessment of $75.00 for the season is also available. If the babysitter has a child of their own, that child will be treated like other guests and admitted to the pool only once a week.
3. The special assessment must be paid in advance and any daily guest rates that have been paid will not be refunded or credited towards assessment. The assessment will include all Club privileges. This assessment must be paid for each individual guest.
4. All guests must be accompanied at all times by a member. Conduct of guests shall be the sole responsibility of the sponsoring member. Guests shall be registered at the Pool Manager's office by the sponsoring member. Registration shall consist of full name and address of all guests.
5. No guest other than a houseguest or babysitter shall be admitted to the Club more than once a week. The Club week will begin on Monday.
6. Guest will be admitted to the Club on any day with payment of guest fees of $3.00 per person.
7. Guest rates will be established by the Board of Trustees prior to the opening of the pool for the season. The Board of Trustees shall consider the recommendations of the various Standing Committees, but shall fix rates consistent with the interests of the membership as a whole. These rates shall be posted at the pool.
8. Additional guest privileges may be granted by the Board of Trustees or its designated representative for special club sponsored activities, written notices of which will be posted in advance.
9. No guest under 18 years of age unaccompanied by an adult will be admitted inside fenced pool area unless guest fee has been paid.
10. Guests CANNOT be a regular participant in a tennis league. Guests may fill in, but should not be regulars. Neither can guests be participants on the swim team.