Stock Refund Information
The stock certificate has a purchase value of $250 that depreciates $10/season to a minimum value of $200. Therefore, anyone becoming a member before 2021 would receive a refund of $200 if resigning in 2025. Stock may only be redeemed by Woodhaven Swim Club and cannot
be sold or transferred to other parties, including family members.
Stock certificates are issued to all members. Certificates numbered 2048 and lower were sent to the member to keep as proof of ownership. Certificates numbered 2049 and higher are maintained in Woodhaven files and a receipt sent to the member. A member's stock number and issue date can also be found on the Membership Profile of the membership registration website, under Bond Information.
Members wishing to resign their membership and receive a stock refund should submit a Stock Refund Application Form, which can be located under Forms. The form itself contains directions for completing and submitting it. Requests for stock refunds can be made at any time; however, refund checks are only issued the season after membership ends during pool operating months (June - August). Members leaving the greater Dayton area will be issued refunds immediately upon receipt of request forms and certificate (if applicable).
Members who resign in 2018 (or later) have 5 years from their resignation date to submit their stock refund form and stock certificate (if applicable). After 5 years, no refund will be issued. There is no time limit for members who resigned before 2018, provided they return their original stock certificate (and refund form) or Woodhaven has a record of their membership.
Lost Stock Policy
If the stock certificate cannot be located, members can still receive a stock refund, provided Woodhaven has a record of their membership. After the Stock Refund form is submitted, there is a 1 year waiting period to continue looking for the stock certificate. After the year, if the stock certificate still cannot be located, a signed and notarized Lost Stock Affidavit must be submitted. The affidavit will not be accepted before the waiting period ends. This affidavit can be obtained from the Membership Chair (woodhavenmembership@gmail.com) and must be submitted by the end of that pool operating season (second season after resignation). After that point, a refund will not be issued without a stock certificate.