Woodhaven Swim Team
2022 and 2023 SSA Champions
Small Pool Division

Yeah Swimming!!!
If your children enjoy swimming, we would love to have them on the Woodhaven Swim Team. It is a great opportunity for kids (ages 4-18) to learn valuable swimming skills, while being part of a team. Members can come to the free trial team membership during the week of May 28-31. We have approximately 80 swimmers on the Woodhaven Swim Team each summer. We swim in the Southern Swim League made up of 12 clubs from the Greater Dayton area.

2024 Coaching Staff
Head Coach: Samantha Kilfoyle
Email: headswimcoach@woodhavenswim.com
Assistant Coaches:
Max Bultemeyer
Eva Espinoza
Callie Martin
2024 Swim Team Committee
Nicole Johnson
Tyson Davis
2024 SSA Swim Team Representative:
Amy Burns
Practice Schedule
We will start each group at the time indicated below. When the swimmers arrive, they are to wait on deck where the coach has indicated, until a coach gives them instructions. Handing out of ribbons after meets and team meetings will be done at the beginning of each practice.
Practices start Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Monday - Friday
Ages 8 & Under 8:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m.
Ages 9-12 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
Ages 13-18 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
There will be several team events-pay attention to the swim team calendar for the dates of these events.